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Children and Peaceful Place
We can influence our children's learning from a very young age - even before they are born, with music and song. All years are important, however between the ages of 0 to 5 are critical. It's during these years that the reticular activating filter (a bunch of cells in the Limbic System) is permanently open and all information goes through to memory. So it is during these years - the formative years of the subconscious mind - that habits, personality, self image and memory - 88% of the mind - are developed. A child will absorb almost everything in the first 5 years of life, without 'filtering out' anything. We must be consciously aware of our child's environment, with both allowing lessons in (to their memory) or keeping negativity out (of their memory).
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MMN - Good Clues
Before children go to school they learn more facts, more information about the world, than it takes to get a university degree! Among other things, they learn to walk and to speak, two enormous achievements by any criteria.
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Students Success Seminar on DVD
Here's an E-Report that can be directed towards students and their growth. In it I am introducing my NEW How To LEARN FASTER Kit. which is based on the DVDs of my Students Success Seminar. The Kit is specifically for any age student including adults who are re-educating themselves. Consider this - it's not What to Learn that is important in life - it's How to Learn. The success and the well-being of all children is of vital importance. It's not overstating the point to say that their future success is the future success of any country, is it? And, wouldn't you agree that in today's world children need as much positive input as possible, just to counteract the negatives they get all day long?

How can I use your techniques to help my child who wets the bed

Staying dry at night can be a challenge.  One of the main things is not to draw attention to it excessively - especially by using negative language.  Always use encouraging language, particularly when the bed is dry ... say "Well done, that's great".

It is also a good idea to work with a goal with your child.  The goal could be something like "I enjoy waking up being dry as my bladder gets stronger and stronger",  and "When I get the urge to urinate I confidently wake up and go to the toilet".  It's important that visualisation is done with the goal as well, and it can be done just as your child goes to bed.  You can say it to your child as they're asleep too - it's amazing what they hear.

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