I keep forgetting small things like my pen or business cards and I think I'm losing my memory. Can you use Alpha to assist?

I keep forgetting small things like my pen or business cards and I think I'm losing my memory. Can you use Alpha to assist

When do you remember that you have forgotten something? Oh, as soon as you leave your house? Well, then do you say "Oh darn I've forgotten my keys!" (or whatever it might be)? When you're saying "forget" you're reinforcing "forget" in the subconscious mind. I forgot, I forgot, I forgot. Do you know it's not even the truth! The truth is you've just remembered your keys! If you always say, "I just remembered my keys", then what you're reinforcing in the subconscious mind is remember. "I just remembered my keys." So, change your self talk, that is really important. Positive language is very, very important. Remember self talk becomes self esteem and our self esteem becomes our self image and the way we actually act in life.

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