Writing - the whole plot appeared in mrditation

 During a CALM seminar conducted by Sandy MacGregor, Sandy showed us how to tap into our creative selves through a very specific meditation routine guided by him. We had already learned how to build and access our "Peaceful Place", the Peaceful Place we create in our subconscious, and from there we went deeper into the dreamlike state - the Theta state. Wow! Suddenly the room, the sounds, the people around me disappeared and I was alone, seeing only a part of a novel in progress that I was seriously having trouble with.
    That part of the plot was all spread out beneath me. My hero and heroine became alive, they "told" me what they wanted to do, how they wanted their story written. I sat up and started writing, without much conscious awareness of what I was doing. My hand found my paper and pen and I mapped a mind chart of the "goings-on" of my hero and heroine. I could feel that it was right. I was writing without stress.
     As I reached the end of what my subconscious was telling me, I found the seminar still going on around me, people were doing other things and I was scribbling away, with Sandy trying to attract my attention and our "music-maestro", looking at me strangely. Well, I had been somewhere, and found something. Now I know what that was. It was the power of subconscious thought and it works! Now when I sit down to write, it is a joy and so very soothing. I won't say it's easy, writing is a learned skill, but what I want to write about is in my subconscious mind, just waiting for me to find it. The world around me goes away. I don't hear anything or feel any stress. Distractions fade away and I am alone in a very private world, a world of stories and poems, sometimes some forgotten French verbs! Yes, it is all there waiting to be used. All I have to say to myself is: "Hi, let's do it!" - and we, my inner spirit and I, do it. Learning to use the subconscious mind, the inner spirit we all have, becomes easier with practise, and I can most sincerely recommend this method to all.

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